Standard uganda day 1 installing filter   reading book   live skype

Tyson Mayr

Tyson Mayr / Rain Makers

RainCatcher is dedicated to healing communities by providing clean water for children in the developing world using affordable and sustainable solution.
  • $3,166


  • $10,000


  • 110


Recent Transactions

  • Avatar person


    $100.00 / 3099 days ago

    Glad to see you back in Uganda with RainCatcher! Keep up the good work!

  • 1a365cd1e36370132adf5b701fef893f? nophoto

    Antonio Mercuri

    $50.00 / 3101 days ago

  • 163d1231d676046978f7b89560488cf5? nophoto

    Gregor Weltz

    $10.00 / 3103 days ago

About Tyson Mayr

Hey guys!!

Thanks for stopping by my RainCatcher fundraising page :)  Whether you are able to donate today or not, the fact you have clicked through to find out more information means the world to me!

As you know I am back in Africa with the RainCatcher team.  This is my 3rd trip & over the next week we will be travelling to over 30 schools & orphanages on a mission to help bring more desperately needed clean water.  

It is so sad to know that approximately 6,000 children die every single day, simply because they don’t have access to clean water. Children no different to what we were, other then where they were born.

This was something I began to witness early in my travels & for the past few years I have been lucky enough to carry & install RainCatcher water filters while I travel.   

These water filters cost only $50 are able to provide clean water for thousands of children

 So while I am here in Africa I will be sharing our mission with you all (daily vlogs & through SnapChat) to show the impact it is having & the lives it is affecting.

If this is a cause you would like to get behind, any donation at all helps more then you can imagine & I can promise you over the next week I will show you first hand what an impact your donation is having.

I will have more information in coming days on my own fundraisers & PERKS I can provide to those who do get involved (from Post Cards & Skype calls with the children to much more), so even if you are not able to donate right now THANK YOU for taking the time to read this.  PLEASE SHARE, join RainCathcer online & check back for updates as they happen!

As mentioned $50 alone is enough to provide clean water to thousands of children so lets see the difference we can make together!

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