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Tanja Djelevic

Tanja Djelevic / Rain Makers

RainCatcher is dedicated to healing communities by providing clean water for children in the developing world using affordable and sustainable solution.
  • $250


  • $2,000


  • 5


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About Tanja Djelevic

Welcome to my donation page! I am thrilled to support a new campaign - Rally for RainCatcher!

Help me support RainCatcher by making a donation today. The process is fast, easy, and secure. I truly appreciate any support you can provide, it will benefit a great cause!

If you can make a donation at this point, GREAT! Also, you can help me reach my goal by sharing this page on Facebook and Twitter.

Or, you can send an e-mail to friends and family you think might be interested in contributing to this charity and include a link to my page.

Thanks so much for your generosity! #rally4raincatcher

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