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Dr. Mark Cheng

Dr. Mark Cheng / Rain Makers

RainCatcher is dedicated to healing communities by providing clean water for children in the developing world using affordable and sustainable solution.
  • $5,563


  • $10,000


  • 81


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About Dr. Mark Cheng

Hi, I'm Dr. Mark Cheng. Welcome to my RainCatcher donation page!

Nothing is more precious than time. And there are people out there who are depending on your help and running out of time.

RainCatcher Executive Director, David Zielski's post on Facebook underscores the urgency with which our donations are needed:  Every day 6,000 people die from a water related disease, and 90% are under the age of 5. We lose one precious life every 14.4 seconds. Take a moment for that to sink in.

Please join me in making this happen in a whole new way on a whole new level for people who would otherwise have no other options. 

Water is one of the most precious assets for life as we know it. And with an ever-decreasing supply of clean, safe drinking water, it's quickly becoming the next "oil", with wars being raged over access to it, lives being lost for it, and corporations trying to regulate & profit off of it.

 RainCatcher is working diligently around the world to make sure that life-giving water remains accessible for everyone. By using simple, time-proven, and effective technologies, RainCatcher provides opportunities for life. 

RainCatcher has been doing some incredible work in areas where clean drinking water is most rare, most needed, and most precious, such as Africa. 

With all of the work that RainCatcher is doing, it could, like the song goes, "get by with a little help from my friends." Help me support RainCatcher by making a donation today. The process is fast, easy, and secure. I truly appreciate any support you can provide. It will benefit a great cause!

Also, you can help me reach my goal by sharing this page on Facebook and Twitter! Post a link to this page with the hashtag #rally4raincatcher and help me create a greater awareness of this problem and the solution that RainCatcher provides!

Or you can send an e-mail to your friends and family you think might be interested in contributing to this charity and including a link to my page!

Thank you so much for your generosity and for spreading the word!

Dr. Mark Cheng, L.Ac., Ph.D., Sr RKC, FMS faculty, TRX Sports Med, Tai Cheng Creator

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